Services Experience Contact


 Ask Yourself These Questions 

• Do your employees efficiently share information?

• Are your computers protected from the latest malware and hacker vulnerabilities?

• Is your network safe from would-be intruders?

• If one of your computers fails, will you lose valuable information?

• Does your technology help you succeed...or does it limit you?

• Are computer problems taking up your valuable time?

Most business owners want and need to focus their attention on their core business, instead of other areas such as accounting, computer technology, and legal compliance.

Let the expertise of  p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  get your technology working well so that you can focus on your business.

p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  will provide you with as much or as little assistance as you want so that you can achieve your business goals and stay on budget.

Please review the information here and then contact  p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  for more information.

S e r v i c e s


p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  technology services include:

Technology product management (network, server, desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone hardware and software) — evaluation, recommendation, installation, configuration, upgrades, maintenance, and troubleshooting

Technology vendor management — phone system, copiers, printers, Internet Service Provider (ISP), etc.

Web development — from domain name registration and a business card web site, to the recommendation of industry-specific web site specialists or custom web site development/maintenance

Custom programming — when you have very specialized needs

p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  typically helps companies with 1 to 30 computers — companies that generally don't need full-time technology staff, but still need help with their technology. Office computing environments set up by  p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  typically include a remotely-managed firewall, anti-virus/malware protection, a shared file server (if necessary), and automated backups.

For many companies,  p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  handles all aspects of their technology, from initial recommendation of computers, printers, fax machines, copiers, a phone system, and software, to on-going end-user computer support. But,  p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  can also just provide technology services on an as-needed basis for those companies that only want help in certain areas.

p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  helps larger companies by supplementing full-time technology staff in handling specific projects, such as web development or other custom programming or covering for technology staff that are unavailable.


More and more technology is ending up in our homes for a variety of purposes.

There are laptops and desktops, of course. But, now there are also a plethora of more portable devices, smartphones and tablets, along with "smart" TVs, Blu-ray players, and many other gadgets to connect devices to content, in your home and elsewhere. This necessitates a pervasive and robust wireless network for effective communications, often a challenge in homes with a sprawling layout or with certain construction materials.

All of these technology components promise that they are easy to configure, but all too often they require some expert attention.

p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.  is happy to put an end to your frustration and supply the necessary expertise to ensure everything is working well.

On-site "house calls" are available.

Or, when possible, phone support and remote control are utilized to provide quick troubleshooting and resolution at an even lower cost.

Scams are on an alarming rise and many of these scams utilize technology as their method of contact. R.O.S.E. is a trusted organization that seeks to provide awareness of financial scams. Please click here to learn about common scams and how to protect yourself from them...and to report a scam and receive help, if needed.


While most technology service companies assess fixed-price monthly support fees based on the number of devices, that arrangement only ensures that you are overcharged and poorly serviced.

With  p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C.'s hourly rates...

  You get what you pay for and you pay for what you get.  

It is the only way for you to get the most out of your technology while minimizing costs.

Rates are less than the cost of a typical service person (electrician, plumber) and for services much more complex and vital to the success of your business.

Remote access technology is utilized in order to provide fast service and reduce the number of site visits to your office.

Rates for off-site work are significantly discounted, allowing you to get quicker service and pay less for it!

Services are performed under your direction and are shown on a detailed invoice.

E x p e r i e n c e

 Technology Roles 

For Fortune 100 companies, Steve Panhorst, Member ~ p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C., has successfully carried out the responsibilities of:

• IT Department Manager
• Enterprise Technical Architect
• Technical Project Manager
• Technical Architect
• Programming Team Leader
• Network Analyst
• Performance Analyst
• Systems Analyst
• Webmaster
• Web Developer
• Programmer/Analyst
• Business Analyst
• Technical/End-User Trainer

For smaller companies, Steve typically wears all of these hats at once in order to quickly identify and resolve technology issues.

 Technology Skills 

Steve Panhorst, Member ~ p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C., can perform every task within the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in the development and maintenance of technology solutions, including:

• Requirements Gathering/Analysis
• Conceptual Design
• Detailed Design
• Programming/Testing
• Implementation
• Support/Maintenance

Steve has extensive experience with technologies that are very relevant to your business:

• Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Windows Server
• Microsoft Office suites, Google Workspace, and numerous industry-specific software packages
• Web/Cloud/VPN, Client/Server, and Mainframe architectures
• Servers, desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, mainframes
• Cable/DSL modems, wireless routers, wireless access points, wireless bridges, switches
• ASP/VBScript, HTML/CSS, Java/JavaScript, C, COBOL, and numerous other programming languages
• Oracle, Access, and numerous other databases

 Clients / Projects 

 Client Quotes 

"Thank you for your sales help on the technical concerns of our prospective client. Without you we would not have the account... Without the effort you put into this, it would not have happened... You are very good at what you do."

"Thank you so much for fixing my computer! I am ever so grateful!"

"Steve, you are always such a pleasure to talk to. Thanks for your help!"

"Nice work on my laptop! It was more than I could have asked for -- the new setup is perfect."

"That is what I call fast service! Thanks!"

"Your analysis and explanation of the technology options were very thorough...very comprehensive. Good job!"

"Thank you for making the web site additions! They look great and our clients are very happy!"

"Thank you! Your technology suggestion had never even occurred to me (or the other six people I asked). I really appreciate your help!"

"Steve, this new web site section is fantastic!"

"Thanks for all of your help. You make life a lot easier for the small business guys like me."

"You are the best! Thank you for taking such good care of us!"

"Steve, your plan sounds good. I know this will solve a lot of our client support headaches."

"Thanks Steve! I appreciate your promptness and the web page looks great!"

"Steve, thanks so much -- it is working great now. You are just super wonderful! You don't know how much I appreciate you!"

"Thanks! You sure do good work!"

"You are the best professional I have ever hired!"

"I appreciate your talents."

"Thank you for your fast and efficient service."

"It really puts me at ease to know that I have you to call on and that you'll take care of my technology issues with such skill and speed."

"Thanks again, Steve! Everything seems to be working great. I breathe easy knowing you have my computers and network under control."

"Everything is working splendidly! Thanks for everything!"

"You are the greatest!"

"Thank you for staying late last night and ensuring we were all up and running. No one was even affected by the move [from one office to another] and that is largely due to your efforts. Again, thank you!"

"All is working well now, thanks to you!"

"You are really appreciated. And, sometimes I just do not know what I would do without your help -- and quick response, at that."

"We were very pleased with your work and professionalism. I look forward to utilizing your services going forward."

"I appreciate the great service and the GREAT pricing. You are one of a kind. Will keep referring you to everyone I know with technology needs."

"Oh my gosh...the [website] changes are perfect and we LOVE the [new] page. You are the best!!! Thanks for taking care of us."

"You are SO appreciated! Words can't describe! Thanks!"

"Thanks, Steve. I don't think I could survive without you."

"You are so kind and I appreciate your help so much. You always make my life so much easier. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You are AWESOME!!! A huge ball of tension was just replaced with a wave of relaxation!! Thank you so much for your help!!"

"You did a fabulous job for me at a reasonable cost. You sure know your stuff and you are very efficient. Also, you are really a nice person to work with and you are very patient, which I really appreciate. I will definitely refer you to any person in need."

"Computer is up and running like a charm. Thanks so much for your help today! I thought it might be a goner, but looks like it's good for a while longer. It's definitely running faster, too."

"I will nominate you for sainthood!"

"Thank you very much for finishing this project for me. I was really lost. I appreciate you helping me and documenting the process also."

"You are one of the most trustworthy and loyal people I know."

"You are a lifesaver! We are so appreciative!"

"I want to thank you for all of your timely work. I appreciate it. Our office is back to full throttle!"

"I had the best day today [after you restored my computer from a hard drive failure]. I saw many pictures and videos from way back when. I know it's part of your craft and it happens all the time, but I want to let you know I sincerely appreciate it. I'll be toasting to you tonight. I cannot even tell you how precious this is to me."

"[The website you built and recently updated for my business] is better than what I thought I wanted. You always go above and beyond and I am so very appreciative of your amazing work."

"Thank you for doing the [change to a new] server without any problems. I would have never known you were even at the office. The previous firm I worked for had an IT guy that we knew when he was there the night before because the computers would crash the next day."

"That [technical problem solution] worked. You're a genius and save me every time! Thanks!"

"You are too good to me. You need to start charging me more!! Much appreciated."

"Thanks for all your excellent help! So appreciated."

"Thank you again for all your help and assistance. I downloaded 80 pictures yesterday and I will do another 80 today. Worked like a charm. It's so nice when everything comes together."

"Thank you for coming out today. I'm so happy to be making progress! I want you to know how much I appreciate your excellent assistance. It's very educational for me to see how you work and solve problems. I learn something every time we work together."

"I just want to say thanks for the rapid response today! Certainly appreciate it. Thanks!"

"I just want to say thanks a million for taking care of us with the computer. It really helps and means a lot. Thanks!"

"Everything seems to be working great. What a relief. Thanks so much."

"What can I say about Steve? How about a guy that would go above and beyond for you? That sounds about right!!! Dedicated, humble, hard working, family man... We need more of these guys in the world. Thanks, Steve, for always having our back with computer issues and so, so much more!!"

"You are worth your weight in gold! Thank you for your expertise and diligence today. I am thrilled with all that you have done!"

"Thank you! All is well after talking to you. Now I can sleep and not worry!"

"Thank you so much for all the time you spent, including the weekend before your vacation...and for your friendly and professional attitude. I will recommend you to everyone I know who needs IT assistance."

"Steve, I cannot thank you enough! You are a breath of fresh air: honest, sincere and knowledgeable! It doesn't get any better! You're the best!"

"I am so happy and content after all the improvements you made on all the equipment. I try to do what I can but there are times when an expert is required. I am so glad to know you and so happy you find the time to give me the much needed assistance."

"You are a wizard!!!!!"

"Steve, I can't thank you enough!! Not only is everything working beautifully, my computer is so fast now! You are amazing!!"

"You are my hero!"


For additional information, click on the résumé image below to download the résumé of Steve Panhorst, Member — p a n h o r s t . n e t, L.L.C., as a PDF.

C o n t a c t